mousehide = 切换鼠标显示/隐藏
quit = 退出游戏
levelload = 进入指定关卡
time = speed * = 设置时间速度
showhierarchy = 显示层级结构
find = does the object exist * = 查找对象是否存在
findtag = does the object exist by tag * = 根据标签查找对象
trailer = 模拟预告片
hidedialogue/dialoguehide/hd = hide dialogues = 隐藏对话框
skinnedinfo * = show all properties of the mesh = 显示网格的所有属性
showninfo * = show information = 显示信息
resources = 显示可能的资源
sv = save console entries to a file = 将控制台记录保存到文件
camerafly = camera flight = 摄像机飞行模式
hideui = hide UI = 隐藏用户界面
cheat = 游戏中不支持作弊,原因是……米塔可能会生气并来找你!!!
dmove = 禁止移动
tp = 传送到指定位置
animstop = 停止动画
mgfinish = 结束小游戏
light = turn on the light in the camera = 打开摄像机中的光源
gdevice = information on Graphics Device Version = 显示图形设备版本信息
opendata = open the save folder = 打开存档文件夹
ccolor = show the coloring of console commands = 显示控制台指令颜色
showprocesses = show processes = 显示进程
deletefolder = delete the save folder = 删除存档文件夹
playerprefsclear = clear the registry = 清除注册表
fullclear = completely clear all saves (Game will be turned off!) = 完全清除所有存档(游戏将关闭!)
(off)playerprefssave = save registry with value *** = (关闭)以值保存注册表
(off)listenvolume = volume ** = (关闭)调整音量
destroyallscene = clear the entire scene = 清除整个场景